Thursday, March 24, 2011

In The Buff

It didn't take long for the boys to figure out that sitting in front of the heater is warm.
This was the hair before I cut it. He had a nice Baby Mohawk.

If you look closely you can see how long Little Brother's hair is in the back.

I don't know why but tub pictures are always cute.

Monday, March 21, 2011

Laps Are For Sharing

Laps are great for playing.

Okay, so this one is the wrong side of a lap, but still functional.

Apparently clothes are optional for lap sitting.

Cold laps also still work well.

Laps are an optimal position for a sneak attack kiss.

And some babies are small enough that two will fit on one lap.

Laps work much better than chairs because their arms hold you.

And they are great for reading stories. (In fact that's the only place we read stories at our house.)

Laps are also great for cuddling.

And Grandpa and Grandma laps are always the best!

Friday, March 18, 2011

Cars & Puppies

The boys loved playing with the dog.
This was the first time ever that Little Brother got near a big dog and hasn't done it since.

And this is the puppy we adopted and brought home with us.

This is the wiggle car that made me laugh until I cried the first night at Crozier's.

And this is the car that got us there. I look at our little car and still can't believe that we spent that many hours in it during our long visit.

Tuesday, March 15, 2011


Little Brother was so snuggly when he was this age and always giving kisses.
Not to be outdone Big Brother had to get some snuggles in too.
Little Brother was the first one ready for dinner.

Then they went to go work off all that good food.
Thanks to Sandy and April for such a beautiful, delicious Thanksgiving.