Thursday, April 14, 2011


The other day I found a bumble bee dead in the yard. Knowing what and interesting specimen it was I saved it to show the boys. The following conversation ensued: Me-It's a bumble bee. You can touch it. Jacob reaches out still unsure if it's a good idea.
Me-It's dead so it won't move.

Jacob- When is it giong to be done being dead?

Me-It will always be dead.

Jacob-Oh (with a very puzzles look).

A few week ago we had the following conversation:

Me-I'm Daddy's wife.

Jacob-Who's my wife?

Me-Who do you think is your wife?


I went on to explain that he doesn't have one but will pick one out when he gets old enough.

Jacob-When I get big will you be my wife?

Jacob has really been a charactor lately. He is always making up songs that somehow end up being bout Jesus and ending with a prayer. I'm amazed at the things he's picking up on, altough he still hasn't figured out how to keep brother from biting him when he's upset.

Daniel loves books. His favorites right now are those that have animals as he's been working on animal sounds. He also love to throw things and we're working on getting him to throw balls and not everything else.

Both of the boys are having a bit of a digression right now as Jacob wants to be carried and Daniel wants to be spoon fed. I can't complain too much as they both still go to bed without complaint which is a huge blessing. He gets more vocal everyday and can say "ba" (ball) "day-doo" (thank you) "eese" (please) "day-tub" (Jacob). He still relys alot putting up a fuss when we guess wrong as to what he wants. He is very snuggly right now and loves to be held and give kisses.

Jacob is excited to be in the primary program this year and we just got the song list to help him learn them. Daniel is excited about nursery or he would be if he knew it was coming. I caught up with Daddy and Daniel in the hall way between Sunday School and Priesthood and Daddy had Daniel running laps out in the hallway to get him settled down before going into Priesthood meeting.

Both the boys love to talk on the phone and the computer to the grandparents and we're looking forward to seeing all of you in a couple months.

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