Saturday, May 28, 2011

Just My Size

We're all about things that are kid friendly which means being the right size and I'm always surprised at the places they are finding to sit. The small one has been sitting on this baseboard heater for a while now he once sat on the bathroom one naked and jumped up and said, "Hot." When something is just the perfect height for sitting it's hard to resist.

The boys love to be outside and as we've been getting our garden spot ready they've been busy using shovels that are just their size.

Hey there buddy, can you tell me what size is just right...Oh, I see.

I originally bought this rug for in front of the front door but we soon found it was just the right size for little boys who need a little "time out."

When there's work to be done this pint size worker is there with the tools in his size.

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