Saturday, July 9, 2011


I try to live my life with an appropiate amount of caution and teach my children to do the same. It's always funny to me how much time and money protecting our children from things like the possiblity of a car accident and yet fail to see the simple things that endanger them every day.

I'm having a really hard time with the dangerous things they do every day like using the cupboard knobs to climb up on the sink or the dresser and wrestling with each other which leads to someone in tears about half the time.

I am learning that I cannot protect my children from everything. They will always find something that can hurt them and some of the time you just have to let them fall or crash so they can learn (even if the screaming when it happens breaks your heart.)
So here's to all the moms out there trying to keep their children safe. Hang in there Mom, they know you love them and they'll know that even when you're not there to pick them up, brush them off and send them on their way.

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