Saturday, September 24, 2011

The Age of Adorable

I'm pretty sure that toddlers are cute on purpose. They get to a certain age where they can smile at you and just make you melt. Could anyone really resist a face like this?
This age of unbelievable adorableness seems to coincide with the time they're learning new skills and becoming very curious about the world around them which, more often than not, leads them to trouble. I'm pretty sure that God did this on purpose.

Case in point, if I found my sweet three-year old sitting on the bathroom sink painting a picture on the mirror with toothpaste he'd be in big trouble. So why is it that when I find my almost two-year old doing that the other day and saw the look of sheer joy on his face it somehow made it okay that he'd just made a mess.

It is at this age when they drive you crazy and melt your heart often. This is the age when they come looking for you just to make sure you're still there, they give frequent kisses just to see you smile and their laugh is impossible to resist. These high points are what keep you from loosing your mind with all the trouble they put you through. They make all the time spent washing clothes, scrubbing floors, picking up broken things and changing diapers worth it.

This is the age when they become endearing to you. This is when you learn that you'd do anything to keep them safe and happy. This age of adorable lasts about two years and then they really become little people with minds of their own but by then your love for them is so deep it givens you a firm foundation to build your relationship. This foundation is unshaken by tantrums, protests, and the occasional fight. Yep, God knew what He was doing.

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