Saturday, November 5, 2011


My children love to sing and they do so often and it's generally as loud as they can.  The other day I had Pandora radio on a Kid's station when Beyonce's "Single Ladies" came on.  It was a version done by the girl chipmunks (which apparently made it appropriate for children???).  It was a busy morning and I didn't think anything of it until later in the morning when it came on again.  The tune is horribly catchy, the kind of song that really gets stuck in your head so naturally I was concerned. 

Later that day, and agian today, I heard the boys singing (to the tune of "Single Ladies") "Oh, the stingray, oh, the stingray."  This is only one of the many songs that I've heard an alternate rendition from my kids.  Another of my favorites is "Nephi's Courage."  "Laman and Lemuel said he should not apply, Nephi was courageous and he did not apply."

I've found that I too have a talent for making up songs and it's been fun to use it.  For example there was a Rebecca Black song entitled, "Friday,"  our version is, "Sunday, Sunday, go to church on Sunday.  Primary, primary Yea, Nursery, nursery, Yea!"  I think that's my favorite so far as it gets everyone moving on Sunday morning.

It is a blessing to have music be such a part of our lives and I never tire of hearing my children sing.  Even our almost two-year old gets involved.  He's still working on forming words but will belt it out like he knows every word.

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