I've also learned that I have a hard time accepting compliments. I'm sure we could all make a long list of the things we need to work on but let's try focusing on our successes for a change. Let's see, I love teaching in the pre-school co-op once a month, I enjoy being a Primary teacher, I have almost perfected Matt's favorite chocolate chip/raisin oatmeal cookie recipe, I joined the ward choir, I try to make myself availible to help others watch their kids, I love to read, I keep a fairly clean house, I keep my blog up (most of the time), I can touch my nose with my big toe on both feet (I haven't always been able to do that), I have potty trained one child and I'm doing better everyday in figuring out what life is all about.
I challenge you to take a moment today to count up your successes and smile at how great your life has been. It takes practice to be content with yourself and I know I can get there.
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