Friday, February 15, 2008

Four Months and Counting

Take me out to the ball game
Take me out in the crowd
Buy me a binki and bring some milk
I don't care if I ever get back.

Put me in coach, I'll come ready to pinch hit.
Hit me with your best shot.

The other day I was showing Jacob a book. He
looked from one page to the other and back and
forth a couple of times and then looked up as if to
say, "Page turn." I thought it was just a fluke but
the next day he did the same thing for his daddy.
I guess this is what you get when nerds marry :)

Okay, that's not where the binki goes but far
be it for me to disturb a happy baby. We did
eventually have to put his clothes on.

Sweet dreams of flight.

Matt is still working about fifty-six hours a week but we enjoy the time we have with him. Their plane starts production this week so that's kind of exciting. Jacob rolled over for the first time today! Before we know it he will be running around the appartment and we'll have to consider getting a playpen (a.k.a. baby prison). We've learned that Jacob really likes music as it calms him. He likes to sit on our laps as we play the piano and he smiles really big when I sing fun songs to him. He also discovered his feet last week and likes to grab onto them. He also is becoming more active and likes to kick his feet. I still really like to bake and judging by the state of our kitchen need to slow down a bit. We still have food from the last five baking projects so we have to eat it or give it away before I make anything else. A special thanks to all the family who've made time to visit with me in the past few weeks, it's been really great to keep in touch and share our joy.

This post is dedicated to Aunt Krisit who wanted to see more of her cute nephew. It is brought to you by the letter K and the number 12632.

Monday, February 4, 2008

January Adventures

This is one happy mommy.

Mmmm boots.

Matt and Jacob glued to the screen.

Daddy's little slugger. Right after this picture he hit himself in the forehead with the bat.

Jacob is a busy boy and likes to play so much he won't even stop when he's sleeping.

Clothes...what clothes, I only need my blankie.

Nap Time!

Having Jacob in our home is a great joy. He continues to learn everyday and keeps Mom pretty busy. He is very bright eyed and loves to play. He is also becoming very attached to his blankie. He can almost sit up on his own now and likes to go out anywhere and have lots to explore with his eyes.