Wednesday, January 3, 2018

When You Feel Your Hands Are Tied

"I DON'T HAVE A CHOICE!" This seems to be a common theme lately. I can't even count the number of times I've heard people say this over the past three months.  You get is some situation where you feel all your options are gone and you're left with this one undesirable option, you feel stuck and trudge forward as it is the "only option".  Can I let you in on a secret?  It's a lie.

I spoke to a widow friend the other day and she explained how many people tell her how strong she is and her response is "I don't have a choice." With five children to take care of at home she couldn't just fall apart.  She honestly believed it was NOT her strength that kept her going but her lack of options.  

The Reality of the situation is this; THERE IS ALWAYS A CHOICE. We always have options.  Every morning we choose to get out of bed, we choose to eat breakfast, we choose to take a bath, we choose to leave our house or go to work or anything else we do.  There is ALWAYS a choice! There are many times we only see one acceptable option and we feel so strongly about that option that we forget there are other options.

I remember when my husband had just found out that his cancer had come back and the doctor recommended surgery.  He was heart broken. He expressed his frustration because "he had to go through surgery again."  I explained to him that he did NOT have to go through surgery and that he needed to understand it was his choice.  We always have a choice.  

When we recognize that we have a choice we feel empowered, that's why it's so important to break apart these lies.

As a new year is upon us it is SO important that we take back control of our lives and realize you are the master of your own destiny. So set a goal, do something you love, develop a talent, read a good book, try a new recipe, take up a new hobby, do something that scares might just surprise yourself.

Read More Here:

Finding Light in Spiritual Darkness

Cancer Diagnosis

Stop Selling Yourself Short

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