Friday, September 24, 2010


We're always playing peek-a-boo at our house and now that the baby is getting mobile and the toddler's getting more creative we have some fun variations.

Peek-A-Chair Hey, how'd you get under there?
Peek-A-Bath This is when you close your eyes and when you open them you're magically all clean. It's so amazing.
Peek-A-Hat This had less to do with peek-a-boo and more to do with the Johnny Appleseed book we'd red when visiting family. I thought it was pretty cute.
Peek-A-Boo Snow Glove Style
And last, but not least, Peek-A-Teeth. Now there are seven of them and they are biters!

1 comment:

Anne said...

Okay but I could help but notice the shirt in the last picture. I got to thinking about it. That shirt has made it through five boys. my three your two. That was a very good investment. hehehe The baby is getting to be so big. I can't believe his is mobile now. And little Jacob is growing. Thank Heavens for the blog so I can keep up with you guys. We haven't seen each other face to face in over a year!!!! We will have to meet up with you guys. Thats just way too long.