I've been teaching the 12-14 year old Sunday school class for the past 20 months and I have loved it. The theme given by our Sunday School President this year is BUILD THE SHIELD. I loved this theme and it was something I felt very strongly about during my time teaching. We had many discussions about how we are fighting a battle in our everyday lives and we choose if we stand with Jesus Christ or if we are in opposition. Taking upon us the whole armor of God is a big part of that and we had several lessons on that and a Family Night activity. Aparently this comes up alot because when I was making these props my three-year-old asked me what I was doing I said, "Making armor," to which he replied, "Oh, the armor of the Lord."
Elder Richard G. Scott gave a conference address (October 2010) entitled "The Transforming Power of Faith and Character." He said the following, "a consistent, righteous life produces an inner power and strength that can be permanently resistant to the eroding influence of sin and transgression." I was amazed at how clearly this answered my question. By consistently doing what is right we are, in effect, building our armor which eventually become so strong that we are resistant to sin and transgression. So the answer is to continue to do in faith.
My prayer is that as I continue to fight my daily battles that I can teach these young ones so they will have that strength and desire to fight each day in the cause of the Lord.