Monday, February 23, 2009

I Never Thought I'd...

Looking at life as it is I was thinking about how different my life is than I had anticipated and wanted to share a list of things I've done in my life that I never thought I'd do.

1-Find an amazing man who wanted to marry me.
2-Live in a suburb of a major city.
3-Serve a full-time mission.
4-Call my Mother just to say hi.
5-Call my Mother-in-law just to say hi.
6-Have my husband ask me to dance in a public setting.
7-Try any kind of funny sounding food. (Matt's always wanting to try new things.)
8-Have a C-Section baby.
9-Be excited to see a soiled diaper.
10-Turn down ice cream (it only happened once and I was pregnant, does that count?)
11-Love thrift store shopping.
12-Grow a garden in flower pots.
13-Play for a musical number in church.
14-Drive a sporty car as a mom.
15-Learn a foreign language.
16-Order a magazine besides church publications and read it every month.
17-Sleep on the floor so the baby would sleep.
18-Set up a tent in my living room.
19-Grill on the deck in February (man it was good!)
20-Not have a 2-year life plan and be okay with it (though I still have my days).
21-Visit the public library multiple times a week.
22-Trust someone completely (Matt, that would be you).
23-Live over 10 hours away from my roots.
24-Work through my 8th month of pregnancy.
25-Take my one year old in an airplane.
26-Eat macarini and cheese with pickles.
27-Laugh until I wet myself.
28-Have a missionary to write as a married girl (it's my sister).
29-Miss the 3 AM baby feedings.
30-Come home from church soaked in pee from someone else's child.
31-Bring my child home from church naked.
32-Enjoy serving in the nursery.
33-Take a picture of my child doing something naughty because it is just so darn cute.
34-Cry at my own wedding.
35-See something so beautiful it made me cry.
36-Be in the same room as a prophet of God. (It was a large room, but still.)
37-Read the Book of Mormon in three months.
38-Miss the Idaho winters.
39-Loose touch with almost all my high school & college friends.
40-Own a new car.
41-Teach my child to beg daddy for a puppy.
42-Love Christian music on Pandora radio.
43-Honeymoon in Phoenix.
44-Argue with my husband about something we agree on but aren't understanding each other.
45-Be debt free out of college.
46-Quit a job after six months.
47-Read non-fiction and like it.
48-Ride a roller coaster that goes upside down. (There was lots of screaming.)
49-Cry because it's hard to be a mother.
50-Walk away from my home with a handful of belongings and the possibility of a fire taking the rest and feel at peace.

I have always loved lists. I've contemplated this list for several days before actually putting it all down. My next list should be "Things I want to do before I die."


Laura Jex said...

Ok, so I laughed on a few because I NEVER thought I would leave church with a naked child or sleep on the floor by the crib so my baby would sleep, yet I have done both... and sleeping on the floor was more recent then I would like to admitt!

Indiana Transplants said...

Awesome! I can totally relate on some of those Jamie! It's like somehwere, someone wrote that once you're a mom, you've got no pride left. You just do what you gotta do. You go MOM! (That's what Jacob would say if he could read this list!)