It was strangly quiet one afternoon at my mothers. I hadn't seen my kids for a while, knew they were with my sister and decided it was time to go check on them. I laughed so hard when I found this...
My four-year-old was being a pirate or something and had tied up Auntie's hands and feet. It was pretty darn funny.
I've been thinking alot lately about how often things happen in my life and I feel that I am powerless to do anything about it. Two weeks ago my four-year-old took a spill at the playground. From his cries I knew he was hurt. I sat him down to relax for a minute but when the crying hadn't subsided in five minutes I knew I needed to get him home. After Tylenol and some rest I thought he was improving but took him into Urgent Care. The doctor was pretty sure from the swelling it was broken. I took him down to X-ray and my heart broke as I had to move his arm for the X-ray. He screamed in pain at the slightest movement. The verdict was a subcondular fracture or hairline fracture on the elbow end of his upper arm. They sent us to Primary Children's hospital (which was 45 minutes away in the afternoon traffic).
He was really calm which was great because it killed me to see him in pain. After five hours in the ER they sent him home in a splint. The little guy had been a trooper all day and then, at 1:00 it hit him. The pain was in full force and there was NOTHING I could do to console him. It took about 30 minutes of soothing and reassuring (and more medicine) before he finally calmed down. I was on the phone with the hospital trying to figure out what happened. I was up every three hours for the next two nights giving him pain relievers.
I was shocked at the emotional toll this took on me. It was such an aweful feeling to sit and try to soothe him each time he woke in pain. The only thing that kept me from falling apart is that I knew my presence there was a comfrot to him. I really felt as if my hands were tied. My heart ached for all the parents who have children with serious health concerns who fight that helpless feeling on a regular basis. It also made me think of how a loving Heavenly Father must feel when he sees us making choices that cause us pain in our lives. My greatest comfort is that His hands are never tied. When we seek Him the comfort and strength that we need to pull us through is there. As my love for my children grows stronger I am beginning to understand how God really feels about me, about you. He loves us so much and is always close at hand when we cry out in pain and His hand aren't tied.
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