Sunday, May 12, 2013

Being The Mom-Ordinary Heroines

If I were to define the word mother my definition would be "ordinary heroines."  People who do extraordinary things everyday and don't realize their actions are herculean in nature and really amazing.  Those who carry a full bucket of awesome of which they are totally unaware.
I've been a mother for over five years now.  I must admit that I have learned a ton in that time and still quite often have moments when I feel I am an amateur and nowhere near the "ordinary heroine."  When I think of what it means to be a mother I think of the amazing women in my life that embody the term "Mother."  First there is my own mother who taught me that serving others means helping them in the way they want you to help them, even when it's doing a dirty job and that there is joy to be found in the dirtiest of jobs when you are serving others.  This has been of great value to me in doing the dirty jobs of motherhood.  I was also blessed with amazing grandmothers who were amazing examples of love, work, and tireless service.  My mother-in-law is also amazing to me.  I have known her for seven years now and most appreciate her for how easy she is to talk to, how loved I feel when I'm in her home and how my life is blessed everyday by the little lessons she taught her son.  I must also include in this group all the Young Women and Sunday School teachers I had during my teenage years.  They loved me so much at a time in my life when I was not very loveable and only now that I am trying to be one of those leaders do I truly appreciate how amazing they were and how much they blessed my life.
The most amazing thing about all these women is how ordinary they all think they are.  They have no idea how much they teach and touch other's lives.  Due to the awesomeness of these women I have always had a hard time placing myself in their ranks.  I very often have caught myself using the term "mother" in the third person with my children as if there is some other person who knows all the answers and has ultimate authority in all matters (and a full bucket of awesome).
Today I am recognizing how far I've come and officially declaring, "I am a Mother!"  I know I have so much to learn and I will spend the rest of my life slowly filling my bucket of awesome by "mothering" those around me and learning by serving each day.  Thank you to all those mothers who have patiently taught me and continue to teach through example and loving counsel.  You are helping me become the woman of God I want to be and being a mother is a huge part of that.
I also want to recognize the amazing contributions of those who have no children of their own and engage in the work of motherhood in working and blessing the lives of their extended families, church congregations and communities.  You have no idea how much good you do.  Your bucket of awesome is overflowing and you are the most unaware of it.  Thank you.

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