Friday, May 13, 2011

Time Out For Women

What an amazing weekend! I was blessed to attend this Women's weekend with Lindy and Koral and bump into several friends I didn't know were going. It was like being on spiritual steroids for two days and by Sunday evening I was starting to go into withdrawl. :) So I've comitted to try an experiment and see if I can keep on that spiritual high for a while. I'm working out the details but I've already seen some improvement the first of which being that I'm spending more time with my children.

The theme for this year was "Become." The challenge for the conference was to tap into our potential and work at developing a talent. Each guest shared something they are going to do as part of their challenging themselves. I was impressed with how creative they were and how much they relied on inspiration (and gave credit as such) to come up with these idea. It's always amazing to me when we have a desire to do how willing Heavenly Father is to give us some work to do.

The musical guest was the group Mercy River which I got to know through my Hillary Weeks station on Pandora. (Wow that was three endorsements in one sentence.) I was really impressed at the stories behind the music. They showed that the Spirit teaches through music and on Friday night Micheal McLean expressed the same sentiment that the Lord uses music to teach him. This really resinates with me as I am more teachable through music than any other means and my testimony of the Savior has been greatly strengthened through music.
To sum up the experience, I laughed, cried and left feeling very uplifted. One of the speakers challenged us to look for the the things in our lives that uplift and enlighten us and learn to fill our lives with more of those things. Something that also stuck out to me was learning of an experiment that Benjamin Franklin did with the 13 essential virtues. He worked one for a week and moved on to the next, he discovered that as he focussed on one thing that problems he'd had with one he'd worked on in past weeks would pop back into his life. The speaker compared it to spiritual wack-a-mole. He commented that it is really the Savior who helps us change. I'm workign to become more aware of my need for the Savior as I do desire to make steady improvement in my life.

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