Wednesday, June 20, 2012


So, my two-year-old never has much trouble keeping up with his big brother.  He rarely naps but there are days we come home from a busy day and he is exhausted.  I had turned on a show for the kids and when I came back to check on them I found this little guy fast asleep in his own lap.  He looked so funny lying there I had to snap a picture before I moved him into his bed. 
I have had a couple days lately where I've felt this way.  I wish I could just fall over in a chair and go to sleep.  I often find myself at a point where I'd like to end my day and somehow I manage to make it through the next four hours getting a few things done before falling gratefully into my bed.  One thing I've always liked about busy days is how good it feels to go to sleep.  That exhausted feeling that is drenched  in happiness because of all you got done that day.

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