Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Restoring Faith in Humanity

There are times in life when you just feel like the whole world is out to get you.  You get cut off in traffic, someone steals the parking spot you were headed for you know the kind of day.  We've all had them.  Every once in a while I have moments, usually with my children when my faith in the human race is restored.

At the tulip festival my four-year-old was taking this photographer's picture so he turned and took my little boy's picture.  He was thrilled to have gotten his picture taken and his smile was huge.  There were several people who let my little guy take their picture this day and all of them had huge smiles for him.

Another insidence happened at the Goodwill the other day.  My boys like to sit on the horse at the entrance, you know, the one you put quarters in and it goes.  I never give them money and one day an nice grandpa man came up and asked if they would like to go for a ride.  They were so excited and my heart was touched by his kindness.  (I was having an especially hard day this day so it was really a blessing to have the kids so content for a moment.) This happened twice that same day.

I often have had people open doors when I'm carrying a screaming child, patiently answer my children's questions while waiting in the check out line, wave to the kids (they especially appreciate the garbage man), shake their hands at church and a number of other small acts that mean the world to them. 

So thank you to all those out there that take time to do the little things that remind me that there is hope for us.  The majority of the people in the world are still good and aren't afriad to show it. 

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