Tuesday, September 6, 2011

3-Year Olds Say the Darndest Things

We spent alot of time in the car on vaction and I was surprised at the things we heard. Here are a few that I jotted down when we were driving through Idaho.

I have to teach my bunnies that running away is not funny. (Because he's never heard anyone say that about children.) :)

There are holes in the clouds. (Because where we live the clouds are rather solid.)

My bunnies are crazy! (This little guy was told he could have a bunny from Grandma's house so when we saw one he just knew it was his and we had a long discussion about bunnies.)

Grandma has to take me for a walk to save my bunnies because they're in a dangerous were-old (that's how is sounded). With bad guys.

Now the almost two-year old is learning to talk and he keeps us guessing what he's thinking most of the time but we sure enjoy them. Both sets of grandparents express how quiet their homes are afeter we have left. Is that because they miss us now that we're gone or it was too loud for them when we were there? :) We love you all!

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