Thursday, September 15, 2011


The great thing about having a family that has deep roots is that when you grow up and move away you come back to visit family and get to take frequent walks down memory lane and take your children to visit some places full of memories from your own childhood.
And sometimes you even get to share them with some of the people who made them special when you were a child. This is my grandmother. She is AWESOME. She came with us to the park where I spent time playing as a child, next to the tennis courts where I spent everyday after school at practice for months in High School, down the road from the library where I worked the Summer after I graduated from High School.

There was something really special about seeing them play on the same toys that once entertained me and I came to understand the true meaning of nostalgia.

I'm looking forward to many more adventures with my children sharing many of my favorite places and memories.

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