Wednesday, December 21, 2011


As the mother of two little boys I have to admit that there are days when I would be happy to rent them out to the highest bidder just to give me a break.  And there are some days when I really wonder why we thought we could handle two little ones this close together.  These boys are starting to come into their own lately and can be very opinionated and stubborn (though they get both from me). 

I was starting to get very frustrated with them and even wondering what I was doing wrong for a while and was really in need of a change of perspective.  A couple weeks ago my littlest got the flu.  I was up with min until late at night.  My heart ached watching him try to sleep.  He'd wake up just long enough to vomit and then settle back into the towel I'd wrapped him up in and go back to sleep.  It didn't last long but it was sure hard on him. 

My older boy got that same illness but it wasn't as bad.  Ten days later, out of nowhere, he got a fever of 102.  I treated him with Tylenol but it didn't do much good.  The poor guy had a high fever into the night.  At 2:00 AM he got up to go to the bathroom and I got up to check on him.  His fever was still high and I was worried.  Long story short I didn't end up taking him to the ER and I sat with him for the next hour until his fever finally broke and he rested.  Again, it was very hard to watch him be so miserable.

So, since then I've had a little more appreciation for these little ones in my house.  I'm so blessed to have a full home.  These boys may be crazy at times but I am so grateful that they are well.  So, I'm hugging them a little more often and counting to ten before I get upset.  I even let them help make the chocolate pretzels (it was a little messy but they did good).  I am so blessed to have the love of the boys that live in my house and I hope they know how much I love them.

For those of you who are wondering, that is the neighbor's puppy.  It's so cute but I could not handle a dog right now.  It's been fun to get to enjoy him a bit without being responsible for him. 

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