Saturday, December 3, 2011

I Can Change

The saddest thing I've ever heard are the words, "I can't change."  There are several reasons this saddens me.  First, you are human.  You are equipped with the ability to think, to decern, to decide and to do.  You are given the ability to think for yourself and if you decide you would like to change something you have the ability to decide and do so. Not that it is always easy but it is possible.

Second, doesn't that say something about your view of yourself when you acknowledge there is something you don't like about yourself but you don't have the ability to do anthing about it?  Do you really think so little of yourself to believe that you are merely stuck just are the way you are.  Maybe I'm just crazy but I believe you have power to make yourself into what you desire to be.  Like rock is shaped by water running over it, big changes take time, and you must be persistant.

Third, this is just untrue.  As you gain experience through life you do change.  No one is the same person at 30 that they were at 20.  There will be some growth there and saying "I'm just this way" is failing to acknowledge the progress you have made.  Don't give yourself so little credit.  Recognize your accomplishments.  Celebrate the progress you are making and let it encourage you.

My sister-in-law is always saying "I can do hard things."  I love that saying.  Say it, say it again and continue repeating it until you believe it.  You will face hard things in your life wether it is from your own choices or the decisions of others but you can endure.  You can achieve happiness and success by having confidence in yourself and your ability to grow, change, and overcome.  So go and make those changes.

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