Friday, October 14, 2011

I Hate My Computer

I had just finnished writing an insightful, upbeat, clever blog post and in my attempt to copy it into word and spell check it I deleted it. The wierd thing is that I deleted it merely by selecting it. Apparently if you hold down the shift key and push the up button to select it automatically deletes it if you go one line too far. It gets better, this is not the first time that it has happened to me so I should have known better.
So, instead of an attempt to recreate my clever, insightful, upbeat blogpost of a mere few moments ago, here's my angry rant. YOU STUPID PROGRAM!
Okay, I'm better now. The weather has been gray lately and I'm combatting it by hiding in a book. I'm reading Little Women and it is a wonderful book. I love their manners, their work ethic and their simple way of life. I'm sure I'll be blogging about it soon.
So, the only other thought I have for you today is, if at first you don't suceed, be angry for a moment and then move on. Okay, that's not a good lesson. If at first you don't suceed, lower your expectations and try again. :)

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